Cosmetic Dentistry

A Healthy, White Smile Begins With Us

Your smile says volumes about who you are. We want to make that smile, and the teeth that fill it, look great. Trust Dr. Bernier and his team with all your cosmetic dental needs. Call our office to make an appointment and we will sit down with you to discuss your cosmetic dentistry options.

Improving the Appearance of Your Teeth

You care about your appearance, the look you present to the world. You spend time and money improving the appearance of your skin, why shouldn't you give your teeth the same consideration?

Quality Cosmetic Dentistry

At Dental Concepts in Westchester, IL we provide cosmetic dentistry to improve the look and functionality of your teeth. Give yourself the gift of a brighter, healthier smile. Make an appointment with Dr. Bernier today.

Whether you want to whiten your smile or improve the look of a chipped or damaged tooth, call Dental Concepts.

What We Provide

We do fantastic work across a wide spectrum of cosmetic dentistry services. We can cover damaged teeth with a porcelain veneer. Tooth-colored fillings are a popular alternative to traditional metallic fillings. For chipped teeth, we provide tooth reshaping, dental contouring, and bonding. We also provide safe and effective whitening services. Whatever cosmetic dentistry you need, we've got you covered.

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